Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Two cultures combined

 In New York you can find anything. There are people everywhere. The way people walk and talk and live are all different. Variety is king in NYC. The culture of the city is so diverse that I am always stimulated and never bored. Today, I overheard a group of men beside me all speaking in Kiswahili. I smiled while crossing the four lanes of traffic beside me just thinking about Swahili and Kenya. Kenya was my home for part of my high school and college years. Home is where the heart is, but for me, home can be multiple places. Hearing the men speak in swahili made me feel at home in the land I love. That same day, I felt at home in Grand Central Station (pictured below). The large American flag made me feel a sense of pride. Pride in where I come from and who I am as an American designer.

I could not be happier than I am now. The way I live with two cultures combined is beautiful and wonderful and mysterious. I have two halves of my heart: Kenya and the US. The two halves equal one whole. Meet Judith & James : two cultures married into one beautiful concept that is conceptually pleasing to the US eye, but consciously dedicated to revealing the strength and dignity of widows we train and employ out of poverty in the slums of Kenya.

Kesia, one of the widows who made the Spring/Summer 2014 Collection that we are showing in NYFW in a few days!

Follow us on twitter: @JudithandJames

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